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warrify and Chatarmin declare a fight against the paper chaos in retail. đŸ’„

Just like us, Chatarmin has also set itself the goal of driving digitization in retail and at the same time putting an end to the paper chaos. The smartphone is seen as the central medium in the entire customer journey.

Together with Chatarmin, we are building the foundation for digital retail.

Co-Founder Enzo Duit and founder Johannes Mansbart met a few years ago. Both are united by the motivation to digitize retail. They also believe that there is a lot of potential lying in Austrian retail. The key to it? Technological innovation.

The Marketingmonitor a study by EHI confirms this: Additive advertising has already overtaken print advertising in retail in 2016. The share of additive advertising, which also includes direct marketing or online advertising, has continued to increase to date, while print advertising in retail is becoming less and less. Forecasts confirm this trend, at least until 2025.

Kommunikationsströme im Vergleich: printbasiert vs. additiv, aus einer Studie des EHI
Quelle: EHI Studie - Marketingmonitor Handel 2022–2025 (Lohmann & Smoluchowski, 2022, S. 14)

Digitization is advancing more and more in the retail sector. Traditional processes such as flyer advertising or the paper receipt are to be modernized. At the same time, retailers are facing an anonymity problem: it is becoming increasingly important to address customers in a personalized and targeted manner. Together with Chatarmin, we are building the foundation for this by transforming conventional measures used in retail into innovative solutions. Retailers are supported in becoming more efficient in the short term, but also in reaching the end customer in a more sustainable and targeted way.

We make purchase data accessible and useful.

At warrify, we support retailers in working data-driven. With warrify Leads, for example, retailers have the opportunity to reach all existing customers digitally and smartly via an interactive receipt and thus generate leads. In addition, the wallet feature of warrify Retargeting gives retailers access to their customers' smartphones without the need for an extra app or upstream registration. In addition, the feature offers extensive retargeting capabilities and linking of relevant data.

Our partner landscape is also growing, giving partner retailers some advantages. Retailers can embed their WhatsApp chat start directly into warrify's digital customer receipt using Chatarmin. This creates marketing opportunities in the postpurchase journey.

Chatarmin gives companies the opportunity to communicate closely with their customers and stakeholders using Whatsapp Marketing.

Chatarmin is Austria's first WhatsApp CRM that complies with the GDPR. The company revolutionizes retail by giving retailers the opportunity to send targeted content to customers via Whatsapp instead of impersonal and irrelevant mass flyers. Especially because email and social media are losing relevance and it is becoming more and more difficult to reach customers through them. Johannes Mansbart, founder of Chatarmin, believes that there must be an innovative and direct way to reach customers. The Whatsapp communication solution allows retailers to build mass mailings or automations that land in the Whatsapp inbox of customers, stakeholders or partners. Higher open rates, click-through rates and conversions are the result.

Whatsapp communication makes it possible to send receipts for purchases directly to customers' smartphones.

The cooperation with Chatarmin therefore creates synergies in retail by digitizing the sales data in retail and Chatarmin creates the bridge between customers and retailers. The solutions combined result in a clean and digital customer journey for end customers in retail.

Click here for the interview with warrify Co-Founder Enzo Duit and chatarmin.con Founder Johannes Mansbart 👉


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