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warrify's Whitepaper

Together with leading retailers, including CHRIST Jewelers, Globus DIY stores, and A1, we have created various solutions over the past three years that enable retailers to increase their sales by identifying anonymous customers and targeted retargeting.

Our experience has shown us that data-based decisions are the key to a successful business. Therefore, we would like to share valuable insights as well as interesting facts and figures in our regularly published whitepapers.

Whitepaper - Digitale Kundenbindung - Thumbnail
Whitepaper - Retargeting - Thumbnail

Digital cash register receipts - half the rent for digital customer loyalty [NEU]

warrify Retargeting - The tool for retargeting customers in retail 4.0

This whitepaper presents a revolutionary approach that enables stationary retailers to reach more than 80% of their customers post-purchase, i.e. personalized on their smartphones, if they use digital receipts.

warrify Retargeting is a tool for retargeting customers in Retail 4.0. Targeting customers in retail is critical for improving customer experience, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, leading to increased sales and brand awareness.

Whitepaper - warrify Marketplace - Thumbnail

The warrify marketplace - making data-driven marketing in stationary retail possible

In e-commerce, it is already common that numerous tools can be integrated into the online store to achieve better performance.

With the introduction of the warrify Marketplace, warrify has succeeded in transferring this concept to stationary retail. This creates numerous opportunities for partner retailers.

Digital cash register receipts - half the rent for digital customer loyalty [NEU]

This whitepaper presents a revolutionary approach that enables stationary retailers to reach more than 80% of their customers post-purchase, i.e. personalized on their smartphones, if they use digital receipts.

warrify Retargeting - The tool for retargeting customers in retail 4.0

warrify Retargeting is a tool for retargeting customers in Retail 4.0. Targeting customers in retail is critical for improving customer experience, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, leading to increased sales and brand awareness.

The warrify marketplace - making data-driven marketing in stationary retail possible

In e-commerce, it is already common that numerous tools can be integrated into the online store to achieve better performance.

With the introduction of the warrify Marketplace, warrify has succeeded in transferring this concept to stationary retail. This creates numerous opportunities for partner retailers.

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