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❓Are apps better than web apps for digital customer targeting❓

A consideration of data storage, updates, and the benefits for digital customer targeting via web apps.💭

IOS users can download 1.64 million apps from the Apple Store (source: appfigures/ Q2-22). warrify, however, is no longer one of the 1.64 million apps available for quite some time now.

Why apps aren't always beneficial for digital customer targeting

Data storage and updates are two crucial factors that often come into play when deciding against apps. Apps tend to take up valuable storage space on devices. Sometimes, multiple apps are even installed for similar functions, which can lead to congestion. In addition, apps require regular updates to stay compatible with the latest operating system versions and security standards. These updates can be both time-consuming and annoying. In this context, alternative approaches, such as the use of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), are gaining prominence. Web apps offer similar functionality to apps, but are accessible through the web browser without requiring a separate installation. This not only saves storage space on devices, but web apps are also easier to update - or, more precisely, are up-to-date every time they are opened.

Apple makes web apps even more attractive with the option of web push

Especially since the release of iOS and iPadOS 16.4 Beta 1 in 2023, all doors are open for web app operators and now also for Apple devices. Because IOS supports Web Push since the update. Web Push allows to send push notifications to user:inside.

A web app added to the home screen with one click can thus request permission to deliver push notifications. The only requirement: this request must be made in direct user interaction → for example, through a "Subscribe" button provided by the web app. IOS then prompts users to give the web app permission to send notifications. Once this has been granted, users can manage these permissions via the web app in the notification settings - just like any other app on the iPhone and iPad.

Web Push enables retailers to communicate with their customers in a relevant and personalized way.

warrify Leads is a product from warrify that enables retailers to create a unique post purchase experience by converting anonymous walk-in customers into valuable leads. It does this by using a web app to enable digital customer engagement, targeting and personalization. Merchants using warrify Leads thus have the option to send push notifications to customers. This opens up the possibility of providing customers with relevant content even after they have made a purchase. For example, retailers can send information about new products, discounts, exclusive events, or important services and updates directly to the lock screen of customers' smartphones. This both improves the customer experience and builds a personal relationship with customers.

In summary, it can be said that web apps - especially since the IOS update - no longer have any disadvantages compared to conventional apps. In fact, the opposite is true, because customers no longer need to download an app to have their digital receipts at hand, thereby saving storage space, time, and effort for app updates. Initial data from warrify users confirms this hypothesis and we will continue to report on it.

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